craters of the moon
National Monument and Preserve in Idaho
For much of this areas early history the lava lands were a mysterious blank spot on the map. In the 1800's, people searching for gold or ranch lands mostly avoided the lavas. in the 1850'2 and 1860's pioneers took an alternate route through this area called the Goodale's Cutt-off that ran across the north side of the lava fields. Federal geologist explored this area in 1901 and again in 1923 and in 1970 Congress designated this area a National Monument wilderness. The surface of the moon as seen through a telescope is how geologist described this area in 1923. The volcanism of the area isn't from a volcano, but from a series of deep fissures known as the Great Rift that crosses the Snake River Plain. Beginning 15,000 years ago lava swelled up to produce the vast lava fields and oceans of rock. The most recent eruption occurred a mere 2,000 years ago and geologists expect future events likely. Map